For a labor in motion


Diana Gal Fundația Maternitatea Filantropia

0% Complete
Donations raised
8,000 RON
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I decided to start this fundraising campaign after the birth of my second child, being convinced that the birth of a baby must be a nice and pleasant event for the family, and wishing to do something to improve this experience.

So, I put all my effort - running, cycling/MTB, swimming, duathlon, triathlon and many others - please believe me, I am creative :) in order to achive the scope of this campaign - equipping Filantropia Maternity in Bucharest with wireless cardiotocographs, because the freedom to move around safely is definitely an important factor in the evolution of pregnancy in general and of labor in particular. It also has an essential role in making the birth a more pleasant event.

I totally trust all our efforts for this campaign will be fully rewarded by being transposed in nice birth experiences for everyone - midwives and doctors on one side - real professionals putting their soul in their work, and especially for us, the women wishing nice birth stories, and for our families :) 


The campaign can be supported by online card donations directly on this page, through paypal at the address (please let me informed by email if the case, so I can transfer the amount in the account of the Foundation), but also by share, lobby, or becoming a fundraiser - please contact me by email so I can create your own fundraising page in this case :)


Thank you for your support, I truly believe we can do great things together :)


As mentioned on the main page of the campaigne, the total amount is ~7000 euro (1 EUR = ~4,42 RON), splitted by events and fundraisers, so it's possible for me to modify tha targets as a new step is completed. The total amount can be observed at the main page of the project:


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in benefit of

Oferind servicii medicale complexe (de la medicina maternofetala si genetica umana, la ginecologia oncologica) si de inalta competenta profesionala, Spitalul Filantropia se inscrie in categoria unitatilor de elita ale obstetricii si ginecologiei romanesti.


Travaliu in miscare

Acest proiect isi propune dotarea Spitalului Filantropia cu echipamente cardiotocograf fara fir, care sa permita monitorizarea sarcinii in acelasi timp cu libertatea de miscare a mamei.

Crosul Companiilor este o acÈ›iune sportivă care promovează un stil de viață sănătos prin practicarea alergării. Evenimentul are valenÈ›e educative, care È›in de trăsăturile unui angajat model într-o companie. Astfel, Crosul Companiilor devine un cadru optim pentru manifestarea unor valori precum responsabilitate colectivă, spirit de echipă, corectitudine, È™i este o punte de legăturÄ


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Diana Gal : Fundația Maternitatea Filantropia
For a labor in motion